Credit: Scraps of Lace Photography
Credit: Scraps of Lace Photography
Hello. My name is River, and, like you, I am made of stars. The stars are our most ancient ancestors and provide the building blocks for all of life here on Earth. From my earliest memories until now, I have passionately been looking up at the night sky. My deepest essence remembers my stellar origins, and it is my mission as an astrologer to help connect you with yours.
I am a graduate of both the Portland School of Astrology and the Blue Iris Mystery School. For me, astrology and magick are interwoven, and I utilize a variety of modalities within my practice. Tarot, magick, astrology, mythology, intuition, and historical research all inform my readings, as does a commitment to technical accuracy.
I pay special attention to the fixed stars, as I believe we are engaged in a collective process of recalling their wisdom and influence. I, primarily, utilize the system of 13-Sign Astrology, also known as Constellational Astrology or Astronomical Astrology. This sidereal system of astrology is most congruent with both the visible sky and my lived experience.
13-Sign Astrology delineates the zodiac based upon the actual sizes of the constellations along our ecliptic, resulting in an uneven, 13-sign zodiac (differing from both the tropical and sidereal 12-sign zodiac). The 13th sign is the constellation known as Ophiuchus—the Serpent Bearer. The inclusion of this 13th sign is, to me, an awakening to the mystery and magick of this incredible part of the sky.
Ophiuchus holds the great, undulating serpent (constellation Serpens) --a symbol of deep wisdom and transformational healing. It is also here— near where the constellations of Ophiuchus and Sagittarius meet—where our Galactic Center resides. This is the black hole/womb space of our Milky Way--a place of death and rebirth, cleansing and reset, and the center from which our entire galaxy spirals.
Your birth chart is as unique as you are, and the transiting cosmic bodies are always engaged with your natal imprint. I focus a lot on the living sky and how the current arrangement of celestial bodies is connecting with your chart. For many eons, astrology and astronomy were united disciplines. It is my belief that they should not be separated. This work is my passion, and I look forward to sharing it with you.
Currently, I reside among the Blue Ridge Mountains in Asheville, North Carolina on unceded Cherokee land. I have a lovely partner/magickal collaborator and a canine companion/explorer. I play music, make art, work out, and often find myself engrossed in astrological research endeavors. I offer consultations both in person and over Zoom, as well as classes on sidereal astrology, fixed stars, magick, and more. Find me on Instagram @riverofstarsastrology.
The Pillars of Creation
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI / AURA)